Wednesday, December 28, 2011


I know I don't like posting more than once a day, but oh well.  I never posted what I got for Christmas.  I got:
A picture of my school's high-brass section.  Good memories there...
Yarn.  Kind of fun to work on crocheting.  Made a hat for my cousin since she's been begging for one.  Currently posting about it on Facebook quite often to torture her =P
Crochet hooks.  They come in handy with the yarn.  I wanted knitting needles, though.
Book on how to make tams.  Would be more useful if I had knitting needles.
Money.  Always useful.  Spending some of it on knitting needles.
Kindle Touch.  I love reading.  I spend a lot more time on that than on the computer.  I still crochet a lot, though.
Cologne.  I really don't know.

1 comment:

MynameisEarl said...

At least you got something, I ain't got squat for Christmas except for $100 note. :D